Saturday, July 28, 2001

Yesterday was one of my co-workers' last day on the job, and I miss him already. I met him two years ago (he was a college sophomore then), and he's one of the nicest people I have ever met. He has a great sense of humor, and he never failed to bring a smile to my face.

He will move to New York in September to start his new job there. Don't get me wrong; I am most happy for him - as long as he's happy with his new job and in life. He's a great person and I only wish him the best, but that doesn't make saying goodbyes any easier.

I know, as well as anyone else, that we meet people in life, and that someday, sooner or later, we'd all have to say our goodbyes. Still, that fact couldn't make the void (this strange emptiness feeling inside) go away. I take solace in the fact that I have been blessed just to have met him and that our path crossed each others' - however short it may be.

He gave me a hug, which felt very comforting. Yet, it made me feel sad at the same time, because I know I'm probably not going to see him again. We exchanged e-mail addresses and phone numbers, but it wouldn't be the same. But such is life, isn't it?

My summer class (Modern Drama - Selected Plays from 1879 to the Present) is more entertaining that I thought. You should have seen the look on my face when I found out that it was a junior-level course. I wouldn't have minded, normally, as I love reading. Unfortunately, I feel like I don't have enough hours in a day with a full-time job and everything else in between. Also, it's summer, so I am feeling a bit lazy too. ;)

I think role-playing is one of the best aspects of plays. I tend to be on the more quiet side in school, but I volunteered to read a part at my last class because I wanted to do something, anything! to keep me awake. It's not the class (there were many sharp and articulate students there), but I only wanted more sleep! If you are like me, though, you'd know that role playing does something to people. I perked almost immediately when I had to read my part. It was so much fun and I was being as dramatic as I could ( ah, but he is engaged to me). I guess that surprised some people because I am not big on participation. Come to think of it, I always get surprised looks from people whenever I do any presentations. What can I say? People have a natural tendency to make assumptions, which can be both a good and bad thing.

Saturday, July 21, 2001

The world will turn...and the seasons will change. And all the lessons we will learn - will be beautiful and strange. We’ll have our fill of tears, our share of sighs, my only prayer - is that you realize, you’ll always be my eyes.

We can laugh about it. How times really fly. We won't say goodbye if true love never dies. You'll always be beautiful in my eyes.

What an awesome song and beautiful lyrics...

Tuesday, July 17, 2001

It might sounds a bit strange, but I like to think a lot. I haven't decided if it's a good or bad thing, but that's certainly up for debate. Truthfully, *some* of my thoughts are insanely strange. In fact, I was telling my brother about some of them yesterday night (near midnight), and it was so disturbing that he'd rather not hear about it. Don't worry, by "disturbing" - I don't mean that the thoughts were twisted. It was disturbing only because it was so against traditional conventions. If you heard our conversation, you'd hear phrases like "mathematical manipulation", "Issac Newton", "history", "physics" and blah, blah, blah. It was quite entertaining, actually.

Althought, I was, very tired yesterday night. I went straight to my first class of my summer course immediately after work, and I didn't get home until about 10p.m. That didn't leave me with much time, especially with all that I have to do. I went to bed sometime between 12 and 1a.m, and I was rather sleepy (but still energized) today. The class is twice a week and three hours each. And guess what? Tomorrow will be another long day for me. It'll be worth it, hopefully. My class should have finished reading this short play for next class, but I haven't even bought the book yet!

So, I'll be quite the busy bee for the next several weeks. I have a two papers, an final exam, and a short presentation. The class that I am taking is Modern Drama (I am an English minor), and MORE than half the students there are English MAJORS! Needless to say, many of them are very articulate - although the fact that many are older may have contribute to that as well.

I also have plenty of decisions to make. Do I want take out loans for school? Do I want to work part-time during the school? (My supervisor asked me to think about it today) :) There are also lots of other things that I need to deal with. With everything that is going on, unfortunately, I didn't have the chance to write as much as I'd hoped. It's just going to take some time for me to sort everything out. In the meantime, please feel free to e-mail me at if you have any comments or suggestions. (I know, I know - I still haven't had the chance to get the comment function of this site fixed yet. If you have a good solution to that, let me know too). :)