I found out today that my course away has been approved! Now, depending on how motivated I am, I might (or might not) take a course called "Modern Drama" at Umass. Why a summer course? Click
here. Students will be studying works by authors such as Ibsen, Chekhov, Shaw, O'Neill, Odets, Beckett, Brecht, and Miller. Interesting, huh? :)
I also took a course at Bentley last summer. I didn't want to, but my advisor strongly recommended it because I was stuck between the old and the new DRS. I finally decided to take the course because it would give me more option should I decide to (or not to) accelerate my studies. It turned out be more fun that I expected.
On my first day of class, I met this guy named Nick. It was strange because it was an introductory accounting course, and he was an accountant at an oce-cream company! It turned out that it was a "refresher" course, and that his company would reimburse him based on the grade he earned in the course. Most of the students there were about my age (age range: 18 -20), and he was apparently older than most of us. Nonetheless, he was easy to talk to and I really liked his frankness. He told me that he need to start planning his future: buying a house, starting a family, and saving for his retirement. It was not something that I was used to hearing, but it was neat to see things from his perspective.
I didn't really know too many people in that class except for Nick and the guy who sat next to me. He was, like me, a freshman at college. He was a student at Yale, and I think he was double majoring in International Relations and Politics with a concentration in economics. Or something like that. I was far too busy laughing at how long his major was! Ha Ha. He thought I was amusing. We exchanged more jokes in class than paying attention to the professor, but can you blame us? It was summer! (And who want to work after a long day at work already?)
Besides some friendly competition on our exams, he'd also like to scribble physics equation on my notebook. When we were separated for one class to work with our group on the project, he sat next to me the next class and joked, "Did you miss me?". Ha ha. All I can say is our crazy jokes made that summer course more entertaining. After all, accounting is not the most interesting subject in the world. I'll admit, however, that people should give more credits to it than they do now.
Well, what can I say? Welcome to my ramblings... =)