Thursday, May 31, 2001

I just got back from London two days ago, and I have lots to update. :) Unfortunately, I am very, very busy at the moment.

I didn't realized that my website was down until I got e-mails from some of you. I am sorry about that. I don't know what happened, and Blogger hasn't been working too well.

More later. Promise... :)

Friday, May 18, 2001

Do you know what the best part is about the end of school? It’s so awesome to finally be able to go to bed late and wake up up late! Yay! That’s totally cool. Still, I probably looked like I haven’t had sleep in a long, long time. You know…with undereye circles and all. Or as my mom liked to say, I have “Panda’s eyes”. D’oh. Should I be flattered that I got such an original compliment? ;)

Friends are special – not because of what they say, but because of what they do – and I feel so lucky to have some very, very special friends.

I talked to my best friend on the phone the other day. We’ve known each other since elementary school, and we’re both college students now. Gee, where did the time go? Still, we remain the best of friends…and that’s all that matters to me. Have no fear, though! While we may be “older”, we are still little kids at heart! You wouldn’t believe how many “he he he” and “ha ha ha” we had in our brief conversation! Yeehaw! :)

I finally sent out the check to take the summer class. And now, that left me pretty much broke . Awww, I’ll be working…and working…until…? Hmmm, that doesn’t sound too exciting, does it?

I also visited my high school, Cambridge Rindge and Latin, with my sister this afternoon. I've really enjoyed my high school years (especially times shared with friends), and it just felt strange going back and seeing everything – familiar and yet… obviously different at the same time. Maybe the school wasn’t the only change, maybe I have changed plenty too. Perhaps my two years at Bentley have helped me to see that. Or maybe I see that now because I am two years older and wiser? (yeah, right!) Or maybe it’s a combination of the two?

The visit reminded me how much I miss my high school friends. It also made me think how I would probably miss the friends I have made here at Bentley (when I graduate).

Hmmm, I should start packing for the trip and all the other things I have to do. I must mention that the exchange rates (from U.S. currency to British pounds) weren’t so great…

So this will be my last (long) entry, at least for a while. Don’t worry. I’ll be back. You didn’t think you could get rid of me that easily, right? :)

I hope life is treating you well, fair readers. Smile. Be happy. =)

Thursday, May 17, 2001

Hmmm, nice poem...

By: Ralph Waldo Emerson

To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and
endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty;

To find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by
a healthy child, a garden
patch or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived;

This is to have succeeded.
Oh my gosh, I have just watched an incredible season finale of "Charmed" . Darn, it's so unfair! I have to wait until September to find out what happened!

Monday, May 14, 2001

This is really strange. Last month, everything that could go wrong went wrong (and they have little to do with school). It was simply an upsetting time.

Now, life is good. Maybe too good? The day after I moved back home from school, I have been offered a summer job. I applied for the same position that I have worked for in the past few summers, and I was so surprised when they called back with some other news. I can't explain what it is now, because I want to explain it all toward the end of the summer. You can bet you will read all about it. ;)

Just several minutes ago, I got an e-mail saying that I was one of three people to have won a $100 from the online survey that I filled out. I don't know what to think. My first reaction is like, "is this for real?" l almost never win anything from sweepstakes or drawings, not even from those soft drinks promotions.

And well, things in general are...? I don't know what to say, except that I am just thankful.

My sister will be the first in my family to graduate from college this Saturday. Oh, this is so exciting! My family already got my sister a bouquet of beautiful roses. I think my sister deserved it; she worked so hard all these years. And if you're reading this, sis, congrats! And with the London trip just around the corner, you can celebrate! Yay! =)

Thursday, May 10, 2001

My room looks...empty, now that most of the things were moved. Daddy dropped by tonight to help us with the move; he'll be back again tomorrow to help us move the remaining things. It was funny how he dropped by our room in the apartment and commented, ""wow, your room looks as comfortable as a hotel room." Well, I'll admit that it is a nice and spacious room. I remembered that the first time I saw it, I thought it was huge compared to the dorm room that I lived in last year.

All my roommates - including my sister - are graduating this year. Congrats! I wish them all the best. Fortunately, I could still bug my sister just because she'll be stuck with me for a while. Hmmm, perhaps that is "unfortunate" for her? ;)

Well, this is it. The end of my sceond year of college. I found out most of my grades for the semester as they are updated on BannerWeb. I did well in some and not so well in others. My lowest grades, as expected, were from the two courses that I disliked the most. I still don't know two of my grades as of yet, but I did an estimation just to see if I had jeopardized the scholarship. The result? Well, it looked as if I managed to keep the GPA higher than the scholarship requirements! Yay! I am happy about that. =)

Using conservative estimates on those two courses, I'd also realized that I might not make it to the Dean's List - by the hundredths of a point! It would be the second time already, if this happened! At this point, it looked like it'll be the same for Honors at graduation - by the tenths of a point! Getting honors or no honors is no big deal; it's just that when you are so close, you kind of feel like the grades are taunting at you. Then again, what are grades anyway? They are nothing but numbers that don't always accurately measure one's understanding of the materials. I wouldn't even worry about them if it weren't for the scholarship. I am just glad it's over. :)

Tonight is my last night at campus. I feel a bit sad about it, but without change, where would we be?

I thank you all, fair readers, for visiting my site. I probably won't be updating this site as often now that school's over, but don't worry, I'll be sure to update it. Just not as often, that's all. :)

And now, I bid you all a happy summer! Please take care and I'll see some of you again in the fall. :)

Wednesday, May 09, 2001

This sounds just like it's coming out of a movie, doesn't it? - Sci-Tech - Space - Scientists urge killer asteroid prevention plan - May 8, 2001

Monday, May 07, 2001

Don't you wish you could travel to space too, like Tito? After all, how many people could refuse the opportunity to get nauseous in space, right? :)

Hmmm, let's take a look at a hypothetical situation: What if a space tourist encounter some sort of alien in space (assuming that they exist), and then died of a heart attack? What do you think would happen to the "space tourism" industry?

I think I want to work for NASA now. Or maybe not. But I liked their website nonetheless: - Sci-Tech - Space - Tourist finds 'paradise' in space - May 6, 2001
If there is anything I learned freshman year - while writing a 10-page paper for Philosophy, another 10-page paper, and trying to study for a major final exam, it would be "never procrastinate until the very last day!" I was yawning more at how boring my papers were than from sleep deprivation! (Can you just imagine the quality of those papers?) :)

And yet, here I am again, hurriedly typing away to finish up yet another final paper. You would think I'd learned my lesson from last year! Apparently not...

I guess my professor will have to read whatever mumble jumbo I managed to cram into my paper. I have three (good) pages down, but I still have lots to write. Did I also mention that it was worth 40% of the final grade? Hmmm, do you think my professor would noticed if I used 16-size font? =)

Sunday, May 06, 2001

If "abnormal psychology" is anything as interesting as this, then I am signing up for it the following semester (for my unrestricted elective)!
Sperling's Bio of Sidis

Saturday, May 05, 2001

I found out today that my course away has been approved! Now, depending on how motivated I am, I might (or might not) take a course called "Modern Drama" at Umass. Why a summer course? Click here. Students will be studying works by authors such as Ibsen, Chekhov, Shaw, O'Neill, Odets, Beckett, Brecht, and Miller. Interesting, huh? :)

I also took a course at Bentley last summer. I didn't want to, but my advisor strongly recommended it because I was stuck between the old and the new DRS. I finally decided to take the course because it would give me more option should I decide to (or not to) accelerate my studies. It turned out be more fun that I expected.

On my first day of class, I met this guy named Nick. It was strange because it was an introductory accounting course, and he was an accountant at an oce-cream company! It turned out that it was a "refresher" course, and that his company would reimburse him based on the grade he earned in the course. Most of the students there were about my age (age range: 18 -20), and he was apparently older than most of us. Nonetheless, he was easy to talk to and I really liked his frankness. He told me that he need to start planning his future: buying a house, starting a family, and saving for his retirement. It was not something that I was used to hearing, but it was neat to see things from his perspective.

I didn't really know too many people in that class except for Nick and the guy who sat next to me. He was, like me, a freshman at college. He was a student at Yale, and I think he was double majoring in International Relations and Politics with a concentration in economics. Or something like that. I was far too busy laughing at how long his major was! Ha Ha. He thought I was amusing. We exchanged more jokes in class than paying attention to the professor, but can you blame us? It was summer! (And who want to work after a long day at work already?)

Besides some friendly competition on our exams, he'd also like to scribble physics equation on my notebook. When we were separated for one class to work with our group on the project, he sat next to me the next class and joked, "Did you miss me?". Ha ha. All I can say is our crazy jokes made that summer course more entertaining. After all, accounting is not the most interesting subject in the world. I'll admit, however, that people should give more credits to it than they do now.

Well, what can I say? Welcome to my ramblings... =)

Friday, May 04, 2001

I think the kids (me, included - just because I'll always be a kid in my mom's eyes) :) will be treating my mom to lunch or dinner for Mother's Day. I know there is nothing that I can ever say or do to repay my parents for everything - their time, love and sacrifices. And so, the dinner is the very least that we "kids" could do as a token of our love and appreciation. (And, I think this is the sentimental moi writing). =)
I've started several posts, but I can't post any of them because I haven't finished them...yet. Anyway, raise your hands you are a repeat visitor to my site! Yes, now. R-a-i-s-e y-o-u-r h-a-n-d-s. (Not that I'd see what you're doing, anyway.) =) Apparently, I am not myself, but that's okie dokie.

I just don't know how anyone could put up with my nonsense and ramblings. :)

Wednesday, May 02, 2001

"If you are never scared, embarrassed, or hurt, it means you never take chances". -Julia Soul

Hmmm, I guess that meant that I have taken plenty of chances? Well, I don't want to share the stories...just yet. =)
I am yawning, but I can't fall asleep. Why, oh why?

Tuesday, May 01, 2001

Another presentation down; just one more to go! Yay! I have one final next week, but that will be difficult. So, I will study the night before. Or maybe two nights before just to ensure that I don't flunk the class. I also have an English paper to write, but that should be fun. After all, I love writing. :)

I am too hyper today, so I am outta here. =)

My ramblings at (4:01 a.m):
Life is but a dream. Everything that we see, all that we know, and all that we ever do is but a figment of our imagination.

At the end, all that matters are the people we shared our lives with - those who helped us grow, and whose love, support and guidance gave us strength to overcome adversity and the many disappointments. They are the ones who walked with us on our journey, filled our lives with laughter (and tears), and warmed our hearts. They are the ones who showed us what a blessing life truly is.

At the end, when we are left with nothing but faraway memories, we could always look back with a smile - just because we could. So no matter how busy our lives get, never forget to take the time just to say a simple "thank you!"